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    Website Changes to Help Your Small Business Survive a Recession

    While COVID-19 has brought about unprecedented levels of economic uncertainty, there are still ways for small businesses to remain competitive. One of the most effective things a business can do is to make changes to its website to keep up with the times. The Laurinburg-Scotland County Area Chamber of Commerce has put together a list of updates you can make to boost sales and thrive even during challenging times; let's take a look.

    Make it Mobile Friendly

    With more people using mobile devices than ever before, your website must be optimized for those users. Make sure all content is easily readable on smaller screens and that navigation menus are visible and easy to use. Additionally, add click-to-dial links so customers can quickly call you from their mobile devices if they need assistance or have any questions regarding your products or services.

    Add a Strong Call to Action

    Your website should have an actionable item on every page, whether it’s “sign up now”, “buy now”, or “contact us”. This will compel visitors to take the desired action and turn them into customers. Be sure that this call-to-action is clear and concise so visitors know exactly what you want them to do.

    Add Customer Testimonials

    Customer testimonials are a great way to build trust between you and potential customers. Include customer reviews on your website with photos if possible along with contact information so visitors can reach out directly if they wish. You could also create videos featuring existing customers talking about their experiences with your product or service which will encourage new visitors and help convert them into paying customers.

    Add Contact Info at the Top

    Having contact information at the top of each page makes it easier for customers to get in touch with you when they need assistance or have questions about your products/services. Include physical addresses as well as email addresses, phone numbers, and social media accounts where possible so customers can choose how they want to reach out to you. Having multiple ways for customers to contact you is important.

    Keep Content Uncluttered

    When making changes to your website, focus on keeping content uncluttered and organized so visitors don't become overwhelmed by too much information at once. The less cluttered the site is, the more likely visitors are going to stay longer and explore what you have offered instead of clicking away in frustration due to large blocks of text or confusing visuals/images that don't add any value. If you need help with your site design, consider hiring an experienced freelancer.

    Learn To Address Broken Pages

    If you notice any broken pages on your website (or if pages are slow to load) then it's time for some coding skills. Learning basic coding skills (HTML/CSS etc.) will allow you to make necessary adjustments such as fixing broken links/images, and optimizing page loading speed, which will help ensure customer satisfaction when visiting your site. This could also increase conversions over time if done correctly.

    Use PDF Tools For Security

    In addition to keeping customer information safe with secure hosting services like SSL certificates, having PDF documents available on your site provides another layer of protection against online theft and fraud. Going with a PDF filler can allow you to obtain secure signatures when customers fill out forms. Take a look at all the PDF tools available for small business owners, many of which are free.


    Making updates to your small business website can have many advantages during uncertain times, including boosting your confidence and reducing stress. Taking the time to include helpful PDF tools or learn coding skills will ensure that your customers keep coming back. This will allow you to focus on growth no matter what the economy is doing.


    Have a question for the Laurinburg-Scotland County Area Chamber of Commerce? Reach out today.

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    Laurinburg-Scotland County Area Chamber of Commerce
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